An interview that doesn't need any introduction. Whoever says Speedcore Italia, will also say Nekrosystem. And because he also has something to celebrate this year, it was an easy pick to have a chat with the main guy behind the label.

The journey as 'Nekrosystem' started for Valerio already at a young age. Even as a child, he was already in love with fast and extreme music, especially metal. Besides being a DJ/producer, he is also a drummer in many bands, for more than 20 years. Think about names like Entact, Cruentus, So Fucking Confused, and Joe Wool TSOL, just to name a few. His love for electronic music started a bit later. "It was the summer of 2008, when I went with my friends to a huge illegal Teknival in southern Italy. There were many sound systems from different countries, including one coming from the Czech Republic that only played terror and speedcore. I can say that this was love at first sound.”
One of the guys from the crew of this sound system gave Valerio a tape as a gift. This tape was filled with tracks from Komprex, Noisekick, and The Destroyer. "Because of this, I really started to listen and love electronic music, especially in the terror and speedcore range. But only after I met my wife Muisz, I also started to appreciate slower styles like regular hardcore, industrial, and frenchcore."
The birth of the legacy
Thanks to the magic tape, Valerio decided to start producing these kinds of music himself. He came up with the concept of 'Nekrosystem' pretty soon after, and in 2010 he officially started to produce his own music. He just wanted to create his own stuff, so he never expected to become a DJ. "Usually I only use my own tracks during my sets. Sometimes I make an exception and mix other people's tracks in it as well, only if I like them myself and they fit with my own tracks. A good example are some of the tracks of Kobaryo, like Evolution Canceler and Windows 10000."
But being an artist wasn't the only goal. "I always had this idea of creating something like a record label, and in 2016 this became a reality when I started Speedcore Italia together with Muisz. I'm very lucky to meet her, because without Muisz, Speedcore Italia could've never been so good and strong as what it is right now."
Since then, Speedcore Italia grew into an ever-growing organization with over twenty artists from multiple countries. But what does it take to be part of the booking agency? "First thing is that we're always looking for producers, not just DJs. It's important for us that every artist has their own sound. I like to feel the emotions of the artists within their music. And they always have to stay themselves. You can be the best producer in the world, but if you're a d*ckhead or somebody that thinks you are the top and you see yourself better than others… Well, then there will never be a place for you in here." The feeling of being together as one is important for Valerio: "Everybody at Speedcore Italia, both artists and crew, feel like one big family. I know it sounds like something everybody says nowadays, but for us it's real. Everybody respects each other and this is something that will never change."
Time to celebrate
This year will mark the 15th anniversary of Nekrosystem, something Valerio can't even believe. "I start to feel old hahaha. When I started with this, I kept my tracks only for myself. So I never thought that this would've become something serious." He even sees this in stuff like its Soundcloud page (that he even didn't want to start, but he got pushed by his ex-girlfriend back then) and the amount of people that like his music growing bigger and bigger. A huge difference between now and when his journey started at his first booking.
15 years of being an artist brought a lot of highlights. A good example is that the artists that made him fall in love with this music, are now artists he played multiple versus sets with. Another things is that he now made numerous collaborations with "amazing artists and heroes of the scene". For example Drokz, The Destroyer, Komprex, Naoto Suzuki, Da Mouth of Madness, and F.Noize. "And last but not least, my collaboration with legendary punk singer Wattie Buchan from the band Exploited."
Playing at massive festivals like Thunderdome, Harmony of Hardcore, Masters of Hardcore and Ground Zero, are part of his highlights as well. But another thing to be proud of are the events organized by Speedcore Italia itself, like Deadtown, the hostings at Terrordrang, and the recently first edition of MTMS. And another new concept is just at the horizon. But if you ask him what he wants to accomplish the next 15 years, his answer is clear: "Just More Terror!!! More Speedcore!!!".
Enter the forbidden zone
The best way to celebrate this anniversary is to have a great party time. And that's exactly what Nekrosystem and the Speedcore Italia family will do this year. Already eight events are confirmed for this year, with four events in the main location of the Mikroport Club in Krefeld, Germany, and four events in Club Rodenburg in Beesd, the Netherlands. "So be ready, the best still has to come!"
One of these events is Nekrosystem's Forbidden Zone, a brand new concept in the Netherlands. Something that Valerio is super excited about. "As Speedcore Italia, we are so happy and proud to finally organize events in the Netherlands as well. Especially in such a great location. We already held our new concept of MTMS in here, in the first weekend of the year. We received such great response from the people that were there! This of course is the best push you can have to always give it the best you can."
This event means a lot to Nekrosystem. Especially after the announcement that Noisekick's Terrordrang, the main terror event organized at Club Rodenburg, will end after the last edition on the 11th of October this year. "When I heard it, I was shocked and sad. It's already not the best period for terror music, but the idea to not have a great terror event in the Netherlands anymore was really too much for me." But even though Nekrosystem's Forbidden Zone is held at the same place, he doesn't want to say that this will be the replacement. "That's another thing and we still have to work a lot to reach that level. We know this. We know our place and we know that you always have to work to become better. But I must say that with the help of the terrorheads and speedcore lovers, our scene will be able to get back to its glory."
A unique concept
Nekrosystem's Forbidden Zone will kick off strong immediately with a really unique line-up. Firstly, RedOgre comes to this event all the way from Japan. "It will be his only gig in Europe this year and trust me, you don't want to miss his incredible skills." Next is Total Kaos, the new terror project of Nekrosystem together with Luciano Lamanna, which will mark the first time this duo will play together in the Netherlands. This event will also host a lot of never seen before versus sets, for example Striker vs. Execrate. The same goes for Klereherriekrew vs. Doctor Terror, Hard Infantry vs. Der General, and The Impermissible vs. Persecute. On top of that, we have some special guests in none other than Suicide Rage and Cynoirb-me.
"You can't miss this if you love this music." That's the main statement Nekrosystem wants to give people that doubt if they want to go to this event. "If you love terror, speedcore, or any kind of extreme music, this is the real time to unite in what we love most." And for everybody that has never been to a Speedcore Italia event, he has one thing to say: "Don't be afraid, you will find people with the same passion as you and you can always ask for help, info, or anything to our crew. We are there for this!"
Do you want to celebrate 15 years of Nekrosystem with us? Check out the dates of our confirmed events and we see you there! Tickets are available on our website when the sale starts.
8-2 Deadtown 13 – Mikroport Club, Krefeld (Germany)
1-3 Nekrosystem’s Forbidden Zone – Club Rodenburg, Beesd (the Netherlands)
5-4 Nekrosystem 15 Years (Special Event) – Mikroport Club, Krefeld (Germany)
4-10 Deadtown 14 – Mikroport Club, Krefeld (Germany)
1-11 MTMS 2 – Club Rodenburg, Beesd (the Netherlands)
22-11 SCI vs. NNS 3 – Mikroport Club, Krefeld (Germany)
6-12 Nekrosystem’s Forbidden Zone 2 – Club Rodenburg, Beesd (the Netherlands)